The endometriosis of Karin Eriksson was missed 26 times in Varberg


Karin Eriksson's life changed dramatically in March when sharp pains began to radiate down the abdomen. She went to Varberg hospital urgently.

A hospital that she visited 26 times over a period of more than four months, as reported by SVT News Halland earlier.

"They first said that it was a urinary tract infection.I received a penicillin and sent home.After I took my tablets but nothing has improved, says Karin.

During visits to the hospital, theories were numerous. The doctors thought the pain was due to Karin's IBS (a functional gastrointestinal disorder) and then to a cracked cyst, she says.

"They had different theories and told me to eat morphine and birth control pills." "I did but nothing helped." Sometimes they also said that it was not helpful. There was nothing wrong with me and I had to go home.

Has taken the highest dose of morphine

For several months, Karin Eriksson took the highest possible dose of morphine on a daily basis, she said. Nevertheless, the pain in the lower part of the stomach disappeared and it sometimes fainted and collapsed.

Karin was constantly frustrated and was suffering from symptoms of depression and fatigue. Finally, she started reading alone.

– It was at that time that I realized that I could have an endometrium. And one day, while the Varberg Hospital was closed, I went to Halmstad instead, and it appeared that they also believed it.

READ ALSO: Elvira, 24, will be operated on for endometriosis – in London

Maud Ankardal is the operations manager of the Halland Women's Clinic. SVT News Halland regrets what happened.

At GT she says:

– It expresses many different ways, some with mild and other difficult symptoms, among which endometriosis can be difficult to detect.

Maud Ankardal continues:

"Of course, we want patients to be treated well and examined properly as quickly as possible.

Operated in London

Karin Eriksson says she can not get the help she needs in Sweden. Instead, she turned to specialists in London.

"In Sweden, doctors have said that I should live with pain, but I do not think so," says Karin.

She went to a specialized clinic in London to undergo an investigation.

– Now I will be operated on and the entire uterus will be removed. I'm lucky to have already had children, says Karin, who asked for money from the social insurance agency to pay for the operation.


About one in ten women of childbearing age develop endometriosis that causes anxiety.

About a third of women who have difficulty bringing their children suffer from endometriosis.

When you suffer from endometriosis, it is common for you to have a stomach ache, have diarrhea or constipation, especially when you have ovulation or ovulation.

Other symptoms may be that you are tired of having sex, pain when kissing or bouncing, urination, difficulty getting pregnant.

If you think you have endometriosis, contact a gynecologist or health center.


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