Ödehus burned in the Vedum police murder investigation


Related: Several fires in the night – Scout cottage and henhouse totally destroyed

On Friday night, he burned at three different places in Vedum, among others in a scout house and henhouse. On Friday afternoon, he started burning on another place in the company.

At 17:10, the alarm appeared in a villa in the western part of Vedum. When the rescue service of Vara and Lidköping arrived, the house was completely overthrown, "said Robert Hansen, head of the rescue service of Västra Skaraborg.

According to information provided to the emergency service, the villa should be uninhabited.

– There was nothing to be done to save the house, we had to target the area around, "said Robert Hansen, initially explaining that the rescue forces were working to prevent the fire from coming back. extend on the ground, who was worried about what we know, it is very dry in the woods and fields.

Later in the evening, Anders Ydergren was able to prevent the spread of fire

– From the beginning, it was intended to prevent the proliferation in the rescue service of Västra Skåneborg, and there were no worries.

The house was then burned, and the rescue service was working with consequences and monitoring.

– We will be there all night, says Anders Ydergren.

This is the fourth fire zone in the space of one day. rescue was still working with the scout booth when the villages started.The two fires more t

– At this moment, we are studying both fires as a burning fire. Then we will investigate if there is a crime, "said David Ekeroth, station officer at Lidköpingspolisen on Friday

– A report was written about a deadly fire, reports Johan Sandblom to Lidköpingspolisen, about the fire of the house in Vedum 19659013] [ad_2]
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