Ollon år becomes a fuel for wild boar


See more • Farmer Christer: "Some nights, there are hundreds of wild boars here"

Ekar and books in central Sweden are particularly rich of Oollon this year. Mom loves the boar which becomes fat and saturated with nutritional ollon. When they have so much to eat, the sows multiply the crops, explains Anders Wetterin, specialist in hunting and game care at the LRF.

"When the sows are in good condition, they lay more eggs, which breeds more people.However, many crops die during the winter.

If the winter is not too rigorous, there will be more piglets than normal, because more are born.

"Crops are normally born in spring winter, so we will see more boar next year.

Winter watch

The last oaks in central Sweden have been very abundant with ollon every year in 2016. But last year, it was unusual in southern Sweden, explains Urban Emanuelsson, professor and plant scientist at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Oaks are the tactics of trees to prevent their seeds from being totally consumed. If you get the same amount for the level, everyone who eats it will adjust to the asset, he says. But ounces have become denser, probably because of climate change, he says.

Now it's time to go back there.

– The winter of 2017, after the last ounce, was sweet. Then it became clear that the strain of wildlife has increased, says Anders Wetterin.

billions of damage

But the peasants are not happy with the pigs. The berries break the fields and cause significant damage. In addition, more pigs cause more road accidents.

– A 2015 study of the University of Agricultural Sciences, when the tribe was smaller than today, revealed agricultural damage of SEK 1.1 billion per year. Then compare it with the net value added of agriculture, estimated between 5 and 7 billion Swedish kroner per year. The wild boar therefore makes fun of about 15% of the value of farming.

LRF wants more pigs to be starved and the boar is stopped.

Daniel Ligné, hunting consultant to the Hunters' Association, also notes that there is an unusual amount of ollons in central Sweden, and agrees that it will bark pigs to do more. But he is not worried about a possible uncontrolled explosion – hunters will be able to pull more pigs for the tribe to be held in check.

"The spring of 2011 was even worse, and that year the hunters managed to shoot enough wild boar in 2012," he said.

The pursuit of obstacles

Although there are still obstacles to hunting to a sufficient extent, he says.

"We can not sell enough meat, and when the freezer is full it will be difficult to motivate the hunters.

There are too few slaps for wild animals that can receive slaughtered wild boar, he explains.

"That's the big question that's cracking in. I have a long way to go myself and I go back there if I have to drive a pig there."

The difficulty in caring for the meat also means that there will never be enough boar in the stores to allow the Hunters Association to campaign and promote it, explains T -he.

He also criticizes the way LRF views wild boar as a problem.

– They are the big stalk when they paint them as harmful insects. Who wants to kiss pests for Saturday night's dinner? We want to make a piece of meat both climatic and very good, but it will be difficult.

He defends the German model, where hunters sell themselves the meat they've shot. Here in Sweden, it is not allowed today, but a proposal has been added. However, it will be studied more in depth in the coming year.

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