Ollonår increases the risk of pigrock – News


2018 is a twelve-year year in Östergötland and central Sweden. This means that oaks and beeches produce more ounces than usual and that, as a result, the amount of wild boar will increase. Nutritional feeding helps sows feed more crops. Even in winter 2019/2020, the increase will be noticeable. This increases the risk of game accidents in the traffic. Even the damage to forests and land is likely to increase with the boar.

"The damage to crops is a serious problem for farmers," said Peter Borring, president of the Farmers' Association.

The last year of winter arrived in 2016 and the time has come. An explanation for this might be the hot summer climate. A summer and a hot spring increase the chances of a wizard.

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Accidents with wild boars are expected to increase over the next year.

The federation of Östergötland hunters plays an important role in the fight against boar. But Leif Thomsen, county communicator at the League, is not worried. In recent years, they have increased their hunting efforts. As a result, the amount of wild boar has even decreased over the last year.

"We are ready and we will increase our efforts against wild boar next year," Leif Thomsen said.

However, Peter Borring believes that additional efforts are needed to stop the progress of the boar.

"Members of the Hunters' Association are shooting more than ever, but more effort is needed, landowners should have more responsibility and the right to fight the wild boar themselves," said Peter Borring.

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