Only the left message of Sjöstedt is on the left | Gothenburg after


Jonas Sjöstedt's message is crystal clear. Left Party is the only remaining party in Swedish politics. Those who are interested in a more equal society have no choice but to vote for him or her.

He barks at Stefan Löfven so that the Social Democrats want to introduce an aid that worsens and says that the Social Democrats define themselves as an intermediate party – "something new."

The message is not only among the first-rank militants.

He also seems to go home in the opinion. The Left Party can actually double its support for voters this fall, compared to previous elections.

At a time when nationalism and populism are most talked about, the Left Party can make its best choice in 20 years. But this is not the only paradox that surrounds the party: despite the fact that after the 2014 election, Stefan Löfven was clear that he did not want to rule with the left, the party has never received such a dividend for its policy as it was in the last term

. Jonas Sjöstedt said in his speech that the party had gone through 80 reforms, and this can certainly be if you count generously. There are free glasses for children, free medicines for children, free trips on public transport during the summer holidays. The latter is one of several ideas taken in Gothenburg, where the leftist party has even more impact on its policy than on the national level.

A small step towards greater equality

Before the speech, V presents a new line. It is a free sports school for children from 6 to 12 years old. And at a time when community life is difficult and where young people increasingly tend to practice sports, it's a reform that could affect children's ability to participate – and in the long run public health in a positive direction.

The Gothenburg Alliance sometimes rejects this kind of effort as useless gratuitous greetings. But for the left party, there is nothing else. It is indeed quite far from a revolution – but as the party sees it, it is in any case a small step towards a more equal society.

No doubt about the position of V

There is also a way to can decide together "as Jonas Sjöstedt expressed it in his language Almedal.So, do not want what he calls" just "to do." Instead, they want everyone to "take care of themselves" and create a society where "the rich" do not share.

It's simple. has heard the speech of Jonas Sjöstedt needs to doubt where Sweden's politics is at stake. The leftist party is and is talking a lot for the party to grow

If that also means that the party for an increased impact on its policy is completely different.] The Greatest Jubel:

When Jonas Sjöstedt spoke of vulnerable children: "You must have a heart of stone if you do not want to let the children escape the class."


At the last census survey, 9.8% said they would vote for the Left Party when they were elected today. In the 2014 elections, the party received 5.7%.

Public: 1,100 people.

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