Pair of rapes and tortures at home


It was one night in early September that the two men, both 25 years old, were suspected of being part of the couple and subjected to sexual violence and torture.

The extreme violence lasted about four hours.

During this period, the man was beaten with a stick, cut and covered with rice with beef, forced to drink soap, burned with a lighter and undressed, according to the prosecution.

During the proceedings, one of the perpetrators held the man exposed while the author had raped his girlfriend before his eyes, according to the prosecution.

One of the suspicious men.

Photo: police

One of the men is believed to have raped the couple's wife while the man was forced to look.

Suspected of being a raped woman in front of her boyfriend

The applicant's request states:

"The acts are rude when they include repeated acts of violence and serious threats and (the guilty ones) displayed ruthlessness and peculiar cruelty because the course of events had been going on for several hours.) Been in a situation exposed . "

If the serious rape persists:

"The crime must be considered blatant because the perpetrators have shown cruelty and cruelty when they are perpetrated in front of the woman's boyfriend who has been threatened, abused and degraded at the same time and, while the rape continued, forced to lie on the floor near the bed. "

Attorney: One of them more driving

The prosecution of the two men covers a wide range of issues. The two prosecutors are: Homeless crime, flagrant abuse, blatant illegal threat, unlawful detention or brutal coercion, as reported by P4 Västmanland.

One of the two men suspected of being behind the wheel is also charged with serious rape of the woman, serious sexual assault on the man and serious abuse in court.

The other of the two suspects is accused of contributing to the violent rape, in addition to the common points.

Complaining lawyer Monika Lilja said of the victims:

"They feel bad, so clear, they have been involved in terrible things, and when you read the preliminary inquiry, you wonder what violence they were exposed to.

She keeps:

– They were subjected to a violence resembling torture. We were burned, beaten, cut, forced to drink a terrible liquid. There was a knife and tongs involved.

Denies the crimes

The youngest of the two men denies the crimes.

"He is surprised that he has been prosecuted for all these issues," said Johan Lavås, a human rights lawyer.

His client admits that he was there and went there voluntarily. But the accused claims that he did not know what would happen and that he could not escape from there.

"He was there against his will and what happened is out of his control, he could not leave.

"He did not play the same role as the suspect," says Johan Lavås.

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