Parents of boys suspected of murder are required to compensate 240,000 SEK by Gica's family during the murder trial


When the murder trial against the two boys suspected of murder in Gheorge "Gica" Hortolomei-Lupu, 48, began on Wednesday, three of their four guardians were in place. In the audience room, some of them protected their heads behind jackets with large hoods.

In the police investigation, parents play a delayed role. The hearings with them give no answer if they knew that the sons had harassed Gica earlier or he called "the rat" even at the boys' home.

72 times we call Gica the "rat" in various interrogations in the police investigation. The murder suspect aged 14 after the deceased should have told his mate that "the rat is dead" and the 16-year-old said he had gone to Smithfield Park where Gica had been killed after the 14-year-old had asked:

"Can you get rid of the rat?"

The murder suspects filmed some of the events and the films, sent to other young people, are now used as evidence at trial.

Police investigation reveals how scary a human vision struck young people in Huskvarna – and that adults were aware of the harassment. So it's good that the responsibility of the parents is at the center of the murder trial.

Gica's wife and her three children claim 60,000 Swedish kronor. This is the standard level of compensation for a victim who has lost a close family member due to a fatal violence.

Gica was found dead at Smedbypark in central Huskvarna at the end of July.

Photo: Mikael Bon

When the president of the district court asks the three guards if they will pay damages, the conversation is silent and a silent denial is heard. Their sons deny the crimes.

The claim for damages in the amount of SEK 240,000 is directed against the depositories because, according to the plaintiff's claim, the murder suspects were "under 18 at the time of the incident, their parents and guardians being required to repair the damage caused by the crime ".

It is not unique that parents need money. A number of child caretakers who, for example, burned schools or were wounded by dolphins were found guilty of paying hundreds of thousands of Swedish kroner over the years.

The responsibility of parents is also important in the testimony of the 14-year-old murder suspect. The Social Board wants the question of debt to be tested, as the grounds for compulsory care provided for by the law on assistance to adolescents become heavier if he were guilty of murder. The votes have been increased enough for "home care", but the Jönköping social council wants it to be coordinated in a treatment center.

Martin Cullberg interviewed by Expressen TV

Photo: Lovisa Waldeck

The 14-year-old lawyer, Martin Cullberg, thinks the evidence is good and says it's mainly a possibility for the boy to "clean his name". His client agrees to be violent against Gica, but denies the murder. Cullberg emphasizes that it is important not to "assume the noble role" that is written on the Flashback Internet forum.

It's a bit absurd. Notably because Martin Cullberg advertises on Flashback and thus funds the troll platform. Cullberg has invested millions of dollars in marketing on various channels and, according to the Advocate newspaper, in 2016, only the Vinge law firm had a larger advertising budget.

At Flashback, he is a recurring advertiser. When I interviewed him at Expressen TV and complained about the troll copy of Flashback, he wondered how he could advertise at that time, saying that Flashback visitors are "an audience important target ".

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