Party Center: Privatize Library in Stockholm


Stockholm's new cultural council, Jonas Naddebo (C), wants to privatize Stockholm's libraries.

In an interview with DN, he opens the door to two or three libraries in the private sector, but Aftonbladet joins him.

"In our green-blue cooperation, it's not up to date," he says.

For the first time, the Center Party has been awarded the position of council of citizens of culture in Stockholm. In an interview with Dagens Nyheter, Jonas Naddebo (C) said he wanted to pursue a new library policy, which means that some Stockholm libraries are being privatized.

"We have so many activities of local government run by private companies.It is not impossible that only a library can be managed by private companies or non-profit organizations," he said. the newspaper.

1 of 3 | Photo: Malin Hoelstad / SvD / TT / TT NYBYRÅN

Jonas Naddebo (C), Council of Citizens of Culture in Stockholm.

Jonas Naddebo believes that libraries and non-profit organizations could be used more creatively.

"An interpretation made"

When Aftonbladet receives Jonas Naddebo, he sides with the statement saying that there would be no privatization of the libraries.

"In our green-blue cooperation, this is not appropriate.

Are you quoted incorrectly in DN?

– This was an interpretation that was made, but what it seems, there is no plan to privatize libraries. We are five parties to this cooperation and we have not even participated in the budget negotiations, he said.

"As a center party, I'm for"

But are you for a privatization of libraries?

"As a center party, I want it, but as an adviser, I am in favor of the common policy that we work together.

On the issue of which partners (M, L, KD and MP) oppose privatization, Jonas Naddebo responds:

– I think you can understand.

Aftonbladet asked Daniel Helldén, joint council of the environment. His press secretary, Mattias Bengtsson Byström, writes in a text: "The environmental party does not want to privatize libraries, that is, our policy is in line with what we have agree in blue green. "

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