People were burned on the residents of the group


A major rescue mission is currently at Fridhemsgatan, Karlshamn, after a man caught fire on a group residence.

Photo: Gunnel Persson

A major rescue mission is currently at Fridhemsgatan, Karlshamn, after a man caught fire on a group residence.

The emergency services crashed at 1:40 pm during an alleged fire in a multi-family house in Karlshamn.

It turned out to be a man who, for obscure reasons, should have started burning in a group residence.

The alarm about the alleged fire of an apartment in a multifamily house in Fridhemsgatan in Karlshamn arrived at SOS on Monday at 13:41. It was an automatic fire alarm that was resolved.

When Sydöstrans arrived at the scene, send a message to the rescue service that was in a smoky hallway. The actual fire source was in one of the apartments.

– When we walked in, someone was lying on the floor in the bathroom. We then began cooling down with water, Christer Amundsson told the emergency services.

The injured person was sent to Blekinge Hospital in Karlskrona by ambulance and, according to the police, the man was reported to have been seriously injured.

Other residents have been evacuated from the smoky spaces and the emergency services have placed fans to eliminate the affected spaces.

According to police, it is still unclear how the fire started.

The text is being updated.

Photo: Gunnel Persson

Photo: Gunnel Persson

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