Person found shot in Segeltorp


Late in the evening of Sunday, the police were informed of the shooting in Segeltorp, south of Stockholm.

When the first patrol arrived at the scene, a man with a bullet wound was found.

"The person is taken to the hospital," Carina Skagerlind told the Stockholm police.

The shooting alert at Segeltorp in Huddinge arrived at the police at 10:44 pm Sunday.

"When we go there, we find a person injured," said Carina Skagerlind, president of the Stockholm Police.

The person, according to the police, is a man who was taken to hospital in an ambulance.

The injuries are currently unknown, but Skagerlind states that he was awake and talkative.

The site has been locked for a technical review.

The event is not clear, but Carina Skagerlind said that witnesses to the event were being heard.

According to information reported to Aftonbladet, a suspect should have moved on a moped after firing.

"No one is detained at the moment, we are working on site," said Skagerlind.

The police characterize the event as attempted murder.

The text is being updated.


Police on the spot.

Police Council: Here's how to do it if you hear gunshots 0:37

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