Picked candies in bulk with hands – police report


The event was held in Luleå on Monday at 13 hours. The police went there to suspect that two people should have candy.

But it was not theft.

The two people, however, had chosen a god goodbye with bare hands – but after hearing the police discover that they had paid their candy and therefore had no intention of stealing.

Instead, they are suspected of damage, reports SVT Norrbotten.

"It is not so common, I have probably never heard of it before.The fact that someone has got their hands up has happened from time to time, but it rarely happens a notification is received, "says Jenny Blixt, investigator of the SVT investigator.

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Detached with the hands – Susceptible of damage

For hygienic reasons, the shop had to throw out the boxes that people put in their fingers, writes SVT.

However, it is unlikely that the police investigation of the damage will result in anything.

"It is a good idea to get hurt and it is doubtful that this will happen in this situation.Because of their lack of intention, the investigation would probably not be pursued," said Jenny Blixt, investigator of the judicial police.

Police also indicate that people may be required to seek redress.

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