Plan prevented from leaving Landvetter – expulsion canceled in Afghanistan


The destination of the aircraft was Istanbul in Turkey. In the plane, besides the regular passengers, there was also a person to deport to Afghanistan

Police were alerted on the occasion of a woman who refused to sit down .

– The crew then decided that the person concerned did not have to come, "said Susanne Arvidsson, acting director of the border police in Gothenburg.

The woman was taken to the Landvetter Police Station by the airport guards to Susanne Arvidsson.

But the Prison Service decided not to proceed with the expulsion, which was also the purpose of the conduct of the woman

– Yesterday, there was no organization but a network of different groups that interacted.This is a quick action where someone has reported that this is happening went on and asked if we could do anything, says Gudrun Romeborn, who took the responsibility of the press for the action of yesterday

. The short-term expulsion is prevented due to interference with the passengers Christer Fuxborg, the president of the police in the region of l & # 39; West, do not think it's a good method.

– If you want to influence such a thing every day, you can contact your local politician or protest in Stockholm. It is from there that there is a change, it does not come from the factory, he says.

Christer Fuxborg believes that the guidelines must come from the top to make a change. Gudrun Romeborn, on the contrary, argues that the action was successful.

– She had two goals. First and foremost, it was to save the individual and then it's usually the closest to the individual who initiates such a process, she says.

But you also want to change the migration policy, she says. Something she thinks contributes by implementing actions like this one.

– In the current emergency security situation, she does not feel worthy of a country like Sweden to expel people to Afghanistan "


Gränspolischef Susanne Arvidsson agrees with the police colleague:

– It is clear that it will not be published it was yesterday. Obviously, we must prevent it.

Why is not it good?

– This has consequences for the various actors in society.

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