Police report denounces abuses against Westlink workers | Gothenburg after


It was last week that a person should have entered a fenced area in Haga. The person would have had to attack a person who was working with the trees along the New Allen, which SVT West was the first to tell.

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According to the Swedish Transport Administration, the event was reported to the police and the director general of the Office, Eva Erixon, resigned.

– Now it's enough. We have fallen into an unacceptable situation for our employees who are under threat, harassment, destruction of security equipment and no later than one person was beaten, "said Lena Erixon, Executive Director of the Swedish Transport Administration, SVT .

"Called home and employee threatened"

Since last summer, the Swedish Transport Administration has issued about 25 police reports of about 60 incidents in which staff working for West Link are harassed and threatened, the Trafikverket press officer said. Bengt Olsson.

READ MORE: Westlink staff exposed to threats and damage

– What was originally the word word on social media has now evolved into something completely different. Our staff retrieves items for the house that he has not ordered. They called home and threatened employees and contractors working with West Link. In the evening, they received phone calls where someone said they knew where people lived and what family members they had, "he says.

He described the situation as horrible and that several employees chose to leave the Westlink project because the situation was becoming too threatening.

"We have a democratic process in this country where the government decides to expand the infrastructure needed to cope with the growth that cities are experiencing in particular. Our task is to respect what the government has decided and has nothing to do with reality. Now, it will be enough to attack those who try to do a good job, he says.

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