Police were fired due to a relationship with former convicted colleague


Police authorities consider that the woman has become impossible to relocate after being removed from her security classification. And she should have been removed because of her relationship with her ex-colleague. However, it is indicated that it is possible to try to find other tasks for the woman without security classification.

Unauthorized punishment

The Police Association also reports that the police authority should have delayed the notice of termination to the woman. It took two months. According to the lawsuit, it appears that the union demands both damages of 150,000 SEK and that the notice of termination is canceled. The union argues that there is no valid reason for dismissal and that the police authority, through decisions and actions taken against the woman, has unlawful punishment or disciplinary action. Former diligent colleague rewritten in the media and sentenced by the court to two years in prison for, inter alia, theft of service weapons, smuggling of amphetamines and the crime of doping. He had to have three shotguns, one of them, a gun and ammo. He also stole NUS equipment in Umeå.

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