Police were hit during the hunt in Uppland


It was 11 pm on Wednesday night that police stopped a car for a routine check at Tierp. But the driver at the wheel, a 25-year-old man, refused to stay and the police then ran.

– It has become a succession at relatively high speeds, sometimes between 150 and 200 km / h. "The driver stopped after the car, after which a policeman came out to meet the man, but he then backed the police and drove away from the car," said Joel Manner, police officer at the regional management center. 19659004] Blisters and scraps

The policeman was lucky and had only bruises and scratches, says Joel Manner

The man then moved back to Tierp and was followed by a Polish helicopter. In the city-church of Tierp, the man could be arrested after another policeman had unfurled a carpet of nails to pierce the tire of the car.

The man is suspected of gross abuse, rattling and unlawful conduct. In the car, there were three traveling companions, all under the age of 18.

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