Positive message from the forces of the band – thanks to a successful water bombardment: "We were lucky"


  Fire Chief P-O Staberyd

The alarm about a forest fire at Lockhyttan's TV mast arrived at 2:58 pm. A fully developed wildfire that spreads rapidly and reaches about 500 times 500 meters before the rescue service at 21 hours begins to have the feeling of having control

– It's starting to be positive now, says PO Staberyd in the evening.

That there were two Portuguese firemen at Örebro Airport that they could enlighten, he perceived them as crucial to fight the fire.

– We were lucky and they were very helpful to us, says P-O Staberyd, adding:

– It would be advisable to plan the Örebro airport every day. This is the first time we help with aircraft first.

  Thomas Bjørke, Vice President, reports on the situation and develops his forces on forest fires at Lockhyttan TV tower

There were seven forces fighting the fire

– Without the plane, the picture would have been completely different. Then we had to send maybe twice as many forces, which meant we had to tighten our ties with the organization, "said P-O Staberyd

. How long will you stay in Lockhyttan?

– We will stay on Saturday, I can guarantee it, says P-O Staberyd.

Just before midnight the internal commander of the Fire Officer, Pelle Lindgren, announced that the fire plan was ending his efforts.

– They will not come back tomorrow, but we are very satisfied with what they have done here. We have surrounded the fire and are cautiously positive.

30 people watch the fire during the night before the extra crew joins Saturday morning

Reader's film: Martin Gustafsson

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