PostNord breaks record: 2.2 million parcels after Black Friday


Urge consumers to pick up their products.

Anyone who thought that Black Friday had been erased for this time could think of it. Some packages are still waiting to reach their addressees, and at PostNord, staff are currently working hard to ensure that everything is taken care of.

"Most things went well"

The logistics company now reports that it has reached a record in terms of the number of packages managed. In the night from Tuesday to Tuesday, PostNord arrived in 702,000 managed parcels a day, which should be the highest number ever recorded. In addition to Wednesday, the company also received 630,000 additional parcels. In total, PostNord terminals processed 2.2 million packages after this year's Black Friday.

"It's a fun but intense day in our production, we've taken many steps to deal with the Black Friday storm, and most of them went well, but there's a risk of delaying an individual packaging day, "said Mathias Krümmel, production manager at PostNord, in a press release.

The company's old record was 583,000 parcels a day, which was achieved last December.


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Too little room with many agents

As could be expected, it is the increase in e-commerce that explains the sharp increase in the number of packages. The numbers above mean that a large number of packages are now passed to the country's package agent or are en route. PostNord encourages consumers to withdraw their parcels as soon as possible.

"Many agents have limited opportunities to store such quantities of parcels for a longer period of time, so feel free to pick up your goods, so leave room for your agents for even more Christmas packages." if you want to avoid queues with the Ombud, please visit another time between 17 and 19, said Mathias Krümmel.

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