Pride first in Sollefteå not a day too early


  Photo: Evelina Ytterbom

Saturday, July 28, the first Sollefteå Pride festival is held

A parade is a first step in the RFSL strategy of investing in Sollefteå in the year to come up. According to Morgan Grafström, chairman of RFSL in the West of Norway, the municipality is far behind regarding knowledge of HBTQ issues and support to individuals. In June 2013, a motion was rejected by Eva Halling (FP / L) who wanted to put in place an HBTQ plan. Later in the fall, politicians and officials of the municipality had to undergo training on the HBTQ, which consisted of an afternoon of lectures.

However, according to RFSL, there is no support for young people in general and for transgender people in particular. 54% of transgender people in Sweden have already thought about suicide. 40% of all transgender people aged 15-19 have made at least one serious suicide attempt. For these, there is no barbaric support or to obtain if they live in the municipality of Sollefteå.

Even the elderly suffer from the ignorance of their dependents. Behaviors that do not concern badness, but ignorance. And luckily, ignorance is easier to manage than inadvertently.

Despite the shortcomings, the municipality was ranked 2014 as the most favorable to HBTQ in Ångermanland, and the eighteenth best in the country. One of the criteria is the number of reported hate crimes, which is low in Sollefteå.

But there is no doubt that Pride is still needed. Pride is definitely needed in Sollefteå. Much remains to be done to educate teachers, caregivers and caregivers. Yet, people with HBTQ suffer hate crimes. And still HBTQ youth leave the municipality to live openly or get the support and understanding they need.

At the same time, there is a party in the Swedish Parliament that wants to roll back time and deteriorate conditions for transgender and homosexuals. A party that voted against the abolition of forced sterilization for transgender people, who voted against any rights reform for homosexual men. Who wants to take away the rights that they have been fighting for years. SD party leader Jimmie Åkesson said that the issue of forced sterilization is a "no-question", and that Pride contains "obscene elements", why he can not imagine participating in a parade Pride.

Although much has been done in recent years to give HBTQ people the same rights as others, there are powers that want to take them away. Therefore, it may be more important than demonstrating and defending these rights for a long time. And let's have fun on the way.

Happy pride, Sollefteå!

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