Protection against bombs on the spot in the real estate – search for dangerous chemicals


On Saturday, a man from the municipality of Uddevalla was arrested by police following a major call. The man was arrested on probable grounds suspected of preparing for the general devastation.

After the arrest, the police detained the property of the suspect and the national bomb was sent on the spot to investigate the chemicals found in the property. The powder is there, and the national bombing was set up without being able to say what it is and we are expecting a more detailed investigation on Monday, "said Hans Lippens, presidential spokesman for western western police in first steps

Dangerous substances in the property

Monday, the shelling is again in place

– Further investigation is needed.You are not quite at ease With what is there, it's not enough to take things in isolation, but you also need to investigate certain things, "said prosecutor Daniel Edsbagge

What was found?

– Various substances and chemicals that we suspect can be dangerous.There are no things that belong to a typical Swedish house, "said Daniel Edsbagge

The man always arrested

Investigations Bomb expected to continue for the rest of Monday.

The detained man is not known to the police before.

– He will continue to be arrested. Tomorrow he will be questioned later. He denies crimes, says Daniel Edsbagge.

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