Pursuit for the assassination of former Bryan player Daniel Paille


It was during a Champions League match (LCH) between Brynäs and Adler Mannheim in Gavlerinken, Gävle, at the time of the event. Daniel Paille has left Brynäs and has not returned to the game after the damage suffered by the tackle.

– The prosecutor has been charged with the accused. Pucken did not find where the tackle had taken place and the plaintiff was not able to predict what would happen.

"It's a powerful force that goes beyond the limits of the game and does not affect the game." In addition to the pain and bruising, the goalkeeper was also brainwashed away from hockey. The accused made no effort to avoid the tackle and raised his club before the time of the collision, so I find that the defendant committed the act intentionally, "said the prosecutor. Joakim Johansson.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court recently certainly a similar goal which will serve as a guide on how acts of violence in the practice of organized sport should be judged legally. Documents appearing in the game box are considered authorized. However, an intentional cause of serious harm can never be considered gambling, and in such cases criminal proceedings may be instituted.

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