Pushpin of the female knife in Ljusdal – DN.SE


Several people became witnesses of how a man armed with a knife chased a woman on Hotellgatan in the center of Ljusdal. The woman then received a number of joints in the upper body.

Several people tried to cancel the attack.

The author escaped from the scene after the incident. The woman was driven by a private person to Ljusdal Hospital, since then she was transported to another hospital with an ambulance.

– She is talkable, but by the way, I can not say anything about her condition, "said Daniel Wikdahl, presidential spokesman in my police region.

A suspect was arrested by police, a 50-year-old man who, according to police duties, knows the woman.The knife used for the attack has not yet been found.

– Everything seems to have been initiated with some sort of scream between victims and offenders, but we are now working to get a clearer picture of the course of events, "said Wikdahl.

Police initiated a trial for murder or drowsiness. The main locks are established on the site and the witnesses are heard by the police. 19659002 The text is being updated.

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