Rainforest forced rescue service to shut down helicopters


Strong winds aggravate the situation in Trängslet Range, Dalarna.

When the rainforest crossed the region, new problems arose. For hours, the helicopters were forced to remain motionless on the ground

– We are now trying to get the most resources in the northwestern part of your wind, says chief of emergency, Johan Szymanski.

Already earlier in the day on Saturday, the chief of emergency, Johan Szymanski, warned that strong winds combined with thunder could cause a sudden spread of fires. Saturday night, he was able to confirm that new fires had occurred.

– We have three areas in which he burns, but for now we have the option to close them, he says.

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The rescuer of one of the firefighters helicopters in Älvdalen earlier this week.

All fires are within the limits set on Friday. But as a result of the storm that fell on Saturday afternoon, the maneuver decided to drop off all the helicopters as the water bomb area until the thunder passes.

Instead, Szymanski hopes that efforts on the ground will succeed in following the fire.
– We are now trying to get as many resources as possible in the northwestern part of your wind. We do not get any help from the air, so it will be a very hard job on the ground in the future.

At 8 pm, the storm was over and the bombardment of water could continue, reports P4 Dalarna. The bombings will continue to cook 22.

Then the time will be where you live – see the predictions for three days to come 01:07

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