Rape alleged at Muff-party in Vänersborg


A 20-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of raping a woman of equal value.

The alleged crime must have occurred at a Muf festival and the man and the woman are both active in the moderate youth union.

"It's a pity, things that simply can not happen," said the district president in question.

The moderate youth union, Muf, organized a conference this weekend at the Quality Hotel in Vänersborg. About 100 members from several districts gathered to listen to the speakers and spend time with the other members of the union.

In the evening, participants had dinner, followed by a disco.


The alleged rape should have been linked to a Muff party at Quality Hotel in Vänersborg.

– Everything was fine. People were dancing and having fun, said one participant.

When the dance floor was closed, part of the party was held at the hotel. The next day, in the twentieth century, a woman reported being raped by a man-in-law.

The woman is elected in one of the districts, the man does not have any trusts but is a member of the Muf. According to Aftonbladet, the rape must take place late into the night until Sunday in one of the hotel rooms.

Detainee suspected of rape

The police confirm that a notification has been issued and that a preliminary investigation has been opened. The man is now arrested, suspected of rape.

– I can confirm that a man is arrested for rape. This is at the beginning of the investigation and I have more to say now, "said prosecutor Daniel Veivo Pettersson.

During the day, the police must inform the prosecutor of the evidence. The prosecutor will then decide whether the man should be detained or not. It should not be later than noon tomorrow.

Aftonbladet has been in contact with several participants at the party. One of them asks the police to hear him as a witness.

"But I do not want to get into what they said, you can call our president," said the participant.

The man denies the crimes

The district president in question stated that the man had been arrested after the event.

– When the sentence falls, it can be excluded immediately.

The president had been in contact with the woman afterwards.

"She is very crazy and sorry," he says.

The suspect denies the crimes.

"He denies and says that he did not do it," said defender Beatrice Rämsell.

Just this summer, Muf was accused of trying to silence sexual harassment. Two district presidents who claimed you had been raped attempted to jump.

It's a rape under the law 0:35

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