Rather thoughtful than slogans about the service of employment


She prefers what she calls the "century labor market reform" for lowered thresholds in working life and more in work in groups where unemployment is still relatively high. She also realizes that the quadripartite government should consolidate a large part of its policy with the Social Democrats.

Thinking of these two thoughts may challenge some, not just the tactical decision makers of the bloc's political team. Within and around labor market organizations, there are a number of radical chancellors who are primarily looking for political confrontation. They do not believe that contractual cooperation between the social partners is based on the search for effective and constructive compromises.

More should now realize that the blocking policy has become a stalemate, especially in the labor market. It is an illusion that in such a field one thinks of permanent results and reduction of exclusion if one does not actively seek the cohesion of group and class interests. The reflection must go before the slogans, even if Annie Lööf was easy for the last one. Changes that have both advantages and disadvantages should be sought primarily when the results can be significant in terms of increasing participation in the workforce and accelerating the pace of change. ; self-sufficiency. It is important to avoid having an insignificant or insecure effect, but that can to some extent be perceived as disruptions of the parties to entrepreneurs in the main parts of the labor market.

Lock locks are highly desirable, regardless of the party sought by the Prime Minister. However, as Annie Lööf makes a direct comparison between a "labor market reform of the century" and "tax reforms of the century" 1989-90 is not so fair. Only parts of the labor market regulations, agreements, education and complex tax conditions are addressed by the Riksdag's decision on tax and labor laws. We must be able to reconcile, across the borders between parties, but also on the labor market.

Annie Lööf needs so many others to choose their battles. In order to resolve the ganglia that most annoy job seekers, internships, apprenticeships or training are a real problem. The Center is clear about this, and others who want to reduce social gaps and good conditions for employees must also think in terms of salary increases and future retirement income. This is facilitated by faster entry into employment, so that a lower first salary can lead to better real wages over longer periods.

However, such interventions in the rules of protection of employment should be avoided. who are not newcomers, or who are otherwise facing higher thresholds.

Prudence and realism are also at the service of employment. In a previous DN article of the four leaders of the Alliance, it was noted that after some sloppy words, some had realized that a large part of the Employment Service was to remain, even though more intermediation is put on independent artists

. This reflection led by the highly respected economist Lars Calmfors and attached to the thinker of the center, Fores, warns against excessive and radical interventions in the employment service. The centralization of the police is a thinker who deserves to be remembered for a long time.

The investigation team also points out that the results of private leaders are more mixed than positive unequivocal. In its reference group, the Fores survey also includes LO and TCO representatives, although much of the funding comes from the business community. This is an interesting sign. The openings for the colonies, which Annie Lööf's message on government and union issues would require, is probably not impossible.

But it is easier to recall, in many ways, Annie Lööf himself, from criticizing the other parties. in the compromises as needed.

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