Re-election in Falun: Lost Votes Cost Millions


The advance vote of the re-election of Falun to the city council was possible for both the 290 Swedish municipalities and a foreign voting letter. This has resulted in new costs for the electoral authority, the municipality of Falun and other municipalities in the country.

Currently, Falun An amount of SEK 1 million has been earmarked for re-election and the costs of the election authorities are expected to rise to around SEK 3.5 million.

– Costs of electoral authorities include the printing of ballot papers, voting cards, voting lists, distribution of election materials and votes, computer support and staff costs. Municipalities will receive government subsidies for early voting, said Jenny Stad, press officer of the Electoral Authority.

Read more: Mention: Falun in Falun affected election results

But theoretically Re-election could cost considerably more than the already allocated 4.5 million SEK.

In the spring 2019 change budget, the government intends to propose that funds be allocated to the re-election costs of other municipalities. The remuneration will be paid retroactively and could amount to SEK 125,000 per municipality. If the other 289 municipalities in the country receive full compensation, the cost will rise to more than SEK 36 million. But being so is not likely, says Jenny City.

– In most cases, it is less money. Some municipalities are open for perhaps two days to advance voting, she said.

The spring change budget is presented to the Riksdag on 10 April.

The elections of 9 September last amounted to about 400 million Swedish kroner. It is difficult to know how much the re-election to Falun is expensive, because it is not yet possible to predict the final bill.

– The autumn elections were elections to the Riksdag, to county and county councils, and re-election only concerns one municipality, said Jenny Stad.

Sunday morning 11,415 advance votes of 45,830 Falun voters had been registered. A total of 36 polling stations will be open until 8 pm tonight and preliminary election results will be released overnight.

On February 6, the electoral authority decided to repeat the municipal elections in Falun. It was canceled after a sack of votes went astray during the fall election ballot and 145 pre-votes. The Election Review Committee then concluded that the missing votes were likely to affect the election results in the municipality and therefore decided that a re-election would take place today, on the 7th. April.

Read more: Falun – the first litmus test of government formation

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