Reduced optimism in exporting companies – News


The order books of the Swedish export companies always show good years, but the atmosphere is a little more moderate on certain points.

With regard to the financial situation of the companies, we observe a deterioration, declares Catharina Henriksson, press secretary of SEK, while underlining that the index is always high.

Early warning signal

One factor that has also changed since the last measure is that companies are now waiting, to a lesser extent than before, to increase the number of employees. More and more people are worried about the ability of their customers to finance their purchases.

It can be an early warning signal. We know just now that lack of access to financing can put the wheel of growth, "said Catharina Henriksson.

The overall index, which represents a balance between zero and future factors, remains at the same level as in the June survey, 53. The index of forward-looking factors, on the other hand, decreases for the third consecutive measure and is now 52.

However, the fact that the index is greater than 50 indicates that more people believe in improvement than in deterioration.

Little American concern

The majority of exporting companies are currently trading with the United States, but the new trade barriers are not of general concern. One-fifth of companies doing business with the United States believe that trade barriers could affect their operations.

Large firms are generally less positive than small and medium-sized enterprises.

One explanation could be that the effects of the economic slowdown are first noted in large companies, "said Catharina Henriksson.

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