Region number larger than the name – Opinion / Submitter


LEADER GOTLENNINGEN Monday began with regional director Peter Lindvall on his Facebook page, examining a title on the front page of the WG.

GT's main news yesterday was that the Gotland region can get rid of its regional status and become the municipality of Gotland again.

Peter Lindvall thought that there should be more important things to write about. He is free to take advantage of it and is also free to express his opinions publicly.

I am more concerned that the Regional Director sees the regional issue as a non-issue. The Regional Council is more concerned and feels that the proposal is unacceptable. He points out in his response that a name change would also be misleading because the Gotland Municipality has all the responsibilities that are part of a region: municipal, county and regional development responsibilities.

Above all within the EU, the regional concept has been put in place and is a precondition for participation in various projects and partnerships.

The regions are usually composed of several municipalities and counties, but Gotland and Västra Götaland have the same official mission.

Then there is the purely economic aspect that, once again, renaming costs a lot of taxpayers.

It will be interesting to see the persistent position of the region on the issue. If the political leadership deems it unacceptable while its senior official considers it a non-contentious issue, there is undoubtedly an interesting conflict of opinion.

At the Regional Council meeting yesterday, the new regional management made it clear that it did not intend to make any major changes in the budget club-bound of June.

Eva Nypelius (C), the new president of the regional commission, promised to fix the names of the boards of directors, in addition to possible "minor changes".

When power changes, it is important to keep a track record where the respect of decisions already made must be weighed against the policy represented by the new management.

Especially when new leaders lack a majority, humility is required and dealing with problems with great responsibility. If a majority had been reunited, it would have been possible to make major changes to keep the promises or establish other political balances made possible by the change of power.

But now, it is necessary to anchor and negotiate for all decisions when it is not clear from the outset that there is a majority.

This became evident when Eva Nypelius explained the attitude of the new regional leadership with regard to the sale of Kasernen 2 to the administration of the Uppsala Academy.

The agreement had already been boxed and would be confirmed by the regional council yesterday.

It was certainly possible to try to end the agreement that the Alliance had received. However, the ambitions for a better business environment would be bad, and the sale now included a letter of intent that responded in many ways to issues of long-term development and development in the region.

Meit Fohlin (S) tried to use a whole fear of saying it, describing it as a use of the knot, moreover, only by the center party. But it was rather to treat at best a complete fact.

"Now that we are here, the Gotland region must be trusted and the agreements reached will be implemented," said Eva Nypelius.

A wise decision that all parties except the Swedish Democrats have accepted.

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