Release of the fifth man from the strike force in Västmanland


On Thursday, the prosecutor decided in the hunting suspect to release the fifth man.

– He's released for that The risk that he may destroy the evidence in peace or complicate the investigation is not so serious if he exposes them to the risk of arrest, says Lars Magnusson.

The man was arrested for preparing a flagrant hunting offense and suspicions remain.

What does the mode of proof look like?

"I think the evidence of the crimes they have been charged with is good," Lars Magnusson said.

The charge, which was to be lifted next Monday, has now been postponed.

– The investigation continues. We are also waiting for an analysis of the various seizures we made, "said Lars Magnusson.

Of the five the suspects are an industrial environment. he
released on Monday for the same reasons as the fifth man now released.

The man in the industry and the other four men are suspected of mass hunting, being prepared for heavy hunting and being hunted.

The suspects must
Illegally hunted and slaughtered predators such as the king of eagles, lynx and wolf.

The crimes should have occurred between 2014 and 2018 and the gross-body crime was allegedly committed in the municipality of Norberg on February 10 of this year.

Read more:
An industrialist convicted of hunting

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