Report: County Council Bankruptcy | SVT News


The insurance company Skandia announced in a new report that the Swedish county council owed 244 billion Swedish kronor as pension benefits to its retirees. But more than 140 billion are hidden and do not appear in the balance sheet.

Today, Skandia says that 19 of the 21 county councils have such a large pension debt that they would be filed for bankruptcy if the debt was declared openly.

Maybe need to raise the treasure

The Sörmland County Council is one of them. Here, the pension debt amounts to nearly four billion, or 22,000 crowns per inhabitant.

Skandia states in his report that it is serious that the county council has such a low payout capacity in the long run. In order to be able to pay pensions – without endangering health care in the future – the county council will either have to sell real estate or substantially increase the tax, according to the company.

"Great Challenges"

The fact that the county council does not need to increase the pension liabilities in the balance sheet is due to an agreement with the state. Council of Finance Mattias Claesson agrees that it would be problematic that the county council has to declare the debt, but it is still not worried. Among other things, because he sees no sign of demolition of the agreement.

The county council also has great strengths in real estate and an otherwise good economy, according to Claesson. He thinks that Skandia is partly exaggerated.

"I think it's pretty unanswered, we have big challenges, but the county council has been monitoring the situation for twenty years," he said.

Citizens do not have to worry about health care deteriorating?

– No, I can basically guarantee that you do not have to be.

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