Research on granular microorganisms | Terrestrial forestry


New research has revealed that even fungi and bacteria that live on spruce are affected by climate change. This could be a useful knowledge for the forest industry for a future with other climatic conditions.

It's not just the forest trees that are affected by climate change, but also the sponges and bacteria that live on spruce. With higher temperatures, pine stocks will suffer from a dry summer and probably frost damage in the spring as the seasons change.

Customize the grain

The stress this implies for fir trees reduces productivity, but can even threaten the presence of spruce in the woods.

Scientists have been looking at how to adapt grain to climate change and resist drought and frost. In a new thesis at the University of Umeå, Julia Haas, PhD student, compares stress-sensitive genes in granular plants with known mechanisms in the model plant backtrav, a plant commonly used in the laboratory.

"Missed spruce"

"The results showed that well characterized transcription factors that in the backtrav regulate the expression of genes included in multiple stress responses were either devoid of their spruce counterparts, or expressed so This indicates that stress responses have evolved differently in spruce compared to backtraw, "according to a press release from Umeå University.

"Gran needs his own tools"

One explanation for the differences may be that spruce often grows in harsh environments and in extreme climates.

– It also means that a simple transition of knowledge between backtrav crops, arable crops and hardwoods is not possible. Gran needs his own tools for treatment and genetic engineering, and my research provides a first understanding of grid mechanisms. This knowledge can be useful for planting more tolerant trees. said Julia Haas.

Unexpected effects

Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi can promote growth and improve the abiotic stress tolerance of the plant. However, climate and human-induced changes in nutrient levels in ecosystems can have unexpected effects on microorganisms, both positive and negative.

Diversity has increased

In the spruce stocks that Julia Haas has studied and which have been fertilized long-term for 25 years, the results showed a multitude of symbiotic fungi and bacteria resulting in an increase in the availability of nutrients .

"The response to this kind of ecosystem is very dynamic, we need to broaden classical research focused on mycorrhizal vampires and start looking at the additional services that microorganisms can provide to plants to understand the importance of these. changes in the composition of microbiomics In addition, the identification of useful plant microbiota and their application in the nursery constitute an interesting alternative for the forest industry to ensure the production and growth of trees in difficult climatic conditions, "said Julia Haas.

Collaboration with Holmen

Julia Haas completed her doctoral studies at the Umeå Plant Science Center, Department of Physiological Botany, University of Umeå, in close collaboration with Holmen Skog AB, a forestry company.

Read the full thesis.

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