Researchers are looking for advice on blue mussels


Photo: Dan Hansson / TT

Swedish researchers want public aid to map blue mussels on the west coast. Image archive

In parts of Europe, it has long been known that mussel and oyster beds are declining. Even in Sweden, the public has been alarmed by the fact that mussels have become smaller. Now Swedish scientists want to check if this is the case by locating the blue mussel beds on the west coast and following their development over the next few years.

– We had trouble finding large, dense mussel banks, so if swimmers or paddlers find such places, they can send emails, "says Åsa Strand, researcher and marine ecologist at IVL. The Swedish Environmental Institute, on Swedish radio

Why blue mussels seem to decline in Europe can not be said with certainty, but scientists believe that it has a warmer climate , rather than establishing Japanese oysters which was a theory.

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