RFSL's appeal against permission from NMR is dismissed


RFSL appealed that NMR was allowed to demonstrate right next to the federal premises in Almedalen.

Now the message is that the administrative court dismisses the appeal.

This year, the Nazi Nordic resistance movement has been denied a place in the Almedal region in Visby. On the other hand, NMR was allowed to organize public gatherings nearby.

Yesterday, it was reported that the Nazi Nordic resistance movement, NMR, was allowed to demonstrate near RFSL.

"The decisions of the police are a disaster for our democratic society.As individuals and as a movement, we are directly threatened by the Nazi and racist forces.The fact that they benefit from Police protection to stand at our door and threaten us is at a completely new level than we have seen before, "said Sandra Ehne, RFSL Federal President, in a press release [19659034] | Photo: Ulf Palm / TT

The Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) demonstrates in Ludvika on May 1st.

RFSL Youth immediately chose to establish its presence, while RFSL will continue to be in place and will appeal to the state. comes from the Administrative Court: The appeal is dismissed. NMR will hold its meeting at Södertorg in Visby

"The Administrative Court does not consider that it has been demonstrated that RFSL has more interest than the general public is of order and security established during the week of Almedal, "says a Gotland police press release.

Text is being updated.

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