S wants new language requirements for support of supply


He tells the party leader and Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at a press conference in Gällö, Jämtland, during his bus tour.

– We can not accept that men and women can be helped, says Löfven. maintenance support. Is it a social democratic proposal?

– Yes. I can not see it in any other way. We helped. You contribute according to your abilities and you get as needed. It is therefore a very basic social democratic line.

– The support of supply is there as an additional security. But the point must be that you are going to get it. It's the same thing for unemployment insurance and health insurance.

Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

These people who feel on the periphery of society and who have support to live. They can interpret it differently?

– Of course, people who have physical or mental disorders that can not – it's a matter of course. It's not that we say it's all about them. But those who have social security support where the reason is unemployment – then we mean that you are required to take an education or do an internship or a combination or whatever.

The Social Democrats also want to invest 500 million Swedish kroner in improving the welfare staff in Sweden, 140 million kroner to allow municipalities to provide adult education in the industry, 40 million jobs and 20 million jobs. professional roles.

Read more: Even between M and S in the measure of confidence

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