Saltviksanstalt steps up security after knife attack


Following the knife attack against a Saltviksanstalten employee, it is advisable for staff to wear civilian clothes – to go back and forth from work, according to Aftonbladet sources.

A few days before the deceased, a phone thief was introduced for the employees to be "caught".

– This is an extra precautionary measure because of the event, "said Ulf Mossberg, press attaché to the criminal case. hired a stairwell on Saturday night and went to a violent attack with a knife.

Two days before the attack, the staff of the establishment received an anonymous threat.

During a phone call lasting 30 seconds, an unknown author threatened to "pick the staff" coming out of the office.

– The appellant did not mention any names. He was very general and loose on the edges, "said Ulf Mossberg, press officer at Criminal Care.

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Attack of an attacked prison in Härnösand

High security

Immediately after the telephone threat, security procedures were reinforced. When the man, who is in the 20's, became the knife mustache, security has been strengthened. Among other things, surveillance has been increased outside the institution.

– That's really part of the routines Ulf Mossberg says exactly what we did

According to Aftonbladet, the Saltvik management asked all employees to wear civilian clothes on the way back and forth from work because of the attack at knife

– I can confirm it. This is an extra precaution considering the event. So we asked our staff not to wear their service suits during their free time, "explains Ulf Mossberg.

No Suspicion

Anders Olsson is a leader before the trial and tells that the knife-wounded man is awake and speaks.

– The person was first heard in the morning and will be heard later in the day.

He is aware of the threat that the agency has received over the phone and does not rule out that there may be a link.

– At the moment, we have no suspicion. We are at a relatively early stage and do not rule out a link, "explains Anders Olsson.

Do you know who called and threatened the school staff?

Saltvik is one of the three safest institutions in the country. It was built to deal with very criminal criminals. "Super jail."

Earlier this week, he was a mess at the office. When the staff of the institution went for a walk, they threatened to strike.

– They played football during these walks and it became a bit messy. According to Aftonbladet information, the incident became so violent that the staff was allowed to use the batong.

A conflict erupted and they gathered for a meeting of the Confederation of Trade Unions – a union. where the recipients can express their points of view.

– Intagna has a duty to work but they threatened to stop working if they were not allowed to play football.

At a meeting with the Bureau, they agreed that they were allowed to play football if they promised to take care of the future.

– We said we would sit down and talk about it and it worked relatively painlessly. It's hard to believe that someone has a stab at it because of it. It does not even make him a big problem.

According to Ulf Mossberg, threats to the staff of Swedish institutions are not part of the unusual situation.

– Anti-corruption threats in large hands on a regular basis. Then some threats are more serious than other threats.

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