Säpo finds 200 security threats among newcomers


SWEDEN During the past year, the security service has carried out automatic checks on anyone wishing to obtain a residence permit in Sweden. Since 2017, the Swedish Migration Board has sent information to the Swedish Security Service so that all persons wishing to obtain a residence permit in Sweden are aware of potential security threats, and Säpo has identified 200 people who may pose a threat. .

– We have received 200 calls, so the security policy continues with them only on the basis of this draw, "says Oskar Ekblad, head of information analysis at the Council Swedish migration, Sveriges Radio

. The Säpo Migration Office is the name, nationality and date of birth, with the help of this information it is possible to find people who may pose a threat to Sweden.

Until the end of May 2018. Automatic checks have led to 200 cases where you want to investigate further

– Focus at this time, and especially with the research groups we have, this is the case. is against terrorism, so it is about people who have manifested themselves in different ways or Oskar Ekblad

Sweden has already encountered problems in the European Court of Justice because the court finds that it is unfair to expel suspected terrorists. Sweden has tried to deport a Moroccan, whom the security police have described as a threat to national security

READ MORE: Sweden fails the European Court of Justice: non-expulsion of 39, an alleged terrorist

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