School at Lund DO-notified after "Racist group work"


A student from a Lund high school reported the school to the OD, the Ombudsman for Discrimination. According to the notification, the student found that there were violations of three years in school without management taking action. The report also reveals that nine other students were perpetrated.

In the notification, the student describes several events, among others, his classmates made a Nazi and racist program for children when the class was instructed to examine the media. One element was called "five blacks are worth less than four whites" and two students in the group wanted solemn greetings.

"Check out Rosengård"

The application also describes that a teacher has used the word "gay" many times in his teaching. The reporter addressed this issue with the main one that should have answered that the word is not a negative emotional word these days.

At school, there was also a debate on the topics of religious freedom, immigration and sexual orientation. The leaders of the debate promised to intervene in case a student crosses the border. But the student who made the announcement describes that several students expressed themselves in violation of the "ulcer", and said things like "a lot of immigrants are impostors" and "the immigrants live like in a jungle. "Rosengård" – without any responsible person.

Asked to change group

The journalist repeatedly raised the director's violations, and also asked to change group during group work without having an audience. The Rector himself has not made any report of offense during his four years.

The DO initiated a supervision of the school, asking the director to submit a statement on the operation of the school to prevent harassment and discrimination in August.

The evening job sought the director at school without success.

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