SD leader Jimmie Åkesson in an interview about Swedish


The ideas of the Swedish Democrats on Sweden were criticized during the political week in Visby. The former party secretary, Björn Söder, reiterated in 2014 his opinion on membership of the Jewish or Sámi minority in Sweden

"They have a minority position because they are not Swedish, "Björn Söder wrote in an interview. Discussion on Facebook with Center Leader Annie Lööf in June

In DN audience, Jimmie Åkesson answers yes to the question if he believes that you can be Jewish and Swedish at the same time.

– I know a lot about Jewish religious belief Another Jewish context, which looks like Swedes, and I consider Swedish, he says

What do you think of these revoked statements of Björn Söder?

– It's an intellectual accident when discussing these things. It's not as easy as Annie Lööf wants to do it. We have a collection and we spend a lot of money from the government for Sami culture. And some Sami resemble mainly Sami and not Swedes. What Björn Söder means is: Although we are against multiculturalism, despite the fact that we are opposed to special rights for minorities, there are national minorities with special rights. For example, Sami and Jews.

Many Jews in Sweden saw this as threatening. What do you draw to draw conclusions?

– It's totally false intellectually when Stefan Löfven escaped and raged, and did not understand anything. I think you misunderstand yourself consciously.

Is it just all the others that must, while your reasoning is crystal clear?

– No, I do not know. I did not think too much about it. I do not think it's a political issue that way, really. There is certainly no Swedish Democrat who is also reasonably wrong

What is the problem of having multiple national identities?

– This is not a problem. More importantly, all citizens of Sweden have the same rights and obligations.

– Then there is a discussion on cultural identity. I mean the lack of understanding of the importance of the nation, how important it is to feel solidarity, it has created this segregation. We must move away from it and start rebuilding a nation. This nation should not be based on biology or ethnicity or race or something like that.

Can you join the Swedish nation while belonging to another nation?

– Yes, you can certainly.

There are many who have roots in many countries today, we now notice this during the World Cup. How far do you need to choose Sweden as a country to prosper?

– I have friends like sits and hangs on Iran and thinks it's great, or Croatia or whatever. But not when they meet Sweden. Then you go to Sweden. Because of the fact that you belong to Sweden

Would it be a problem if they mentioned Croatia?

– No, this is not a problem. Especially not in the short term. But if we want to build a cohesive Sweden in the long run, the Swedes can not really consider themselves Iranians or Kurds or anything else. We must consider ourselves Swedes

It is not unlikely that the Swedish Democrats will have a real influence in one or more municipalities after the next elections. Jimmie Åkesson believes that the hometown of Sölvesborg could become a showcase for the party.

– It will not be easy to control a municipality in the next mandate when we enter a recession. It will be a helsike. We just have a chance. We must take it.

SD wants a referendum on joining the EU for the next term. Åkesson rejects arguments that Sweden should lose political influence

– What is Sweden's influence on EU legislation today? It is extremely limited

About 60% of Swedish exports are destined for the countries of the EU. What do you say to companies who are wondering how Sweden will do without the EU's open market?

– We have always been dealing with countries in our region. We will continue to do that. We have forests and many other assets that the EU countries want. We will have commercial cooperation. I will not put Sweden in a situation where we do not have it.

Great Britain, with its size and political weight, has failed to negotiate a solution to free trade. What, according to Sweden, would succeed?

– Now the elite of the EU wants to punish Britain. In the long run, it will not look like that. Britain is a major economy and a major country in Europe. It is clear that the EU wants good relations.

Jimmie Åkesson on …

… politicians should intervene in the crisis of the Swedish Academy:

– No. This is not a political issue. It's the king who can handle it. It's good for him, so he has to take care of something.

… about what he found when Metoo was examined:

– You think of things like "What?" did I do in my teens? " I have not received any charges against me on stupid behavior. But we think in another way when the debate becomes so intense. Do I treat this person differently because he is a man or a woman?

… on how he will not communicate with the other parties through the media:

– We have the opportunity, after the l & # 39; election, to communicate via the speaker. It can be less filtered there. At least the president has the job to make sure that it becomes the best possible conditions for a prime minister. It is not important for me to sit at the same table, this is not the case

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