SD member leaves his Place: "They are criminals" | new


On Tuesday, Bengt Herke, a member of the SD, learned that the Swedish Democrats had initiated a personal procedure, writes Dagens Nyheter.

He then chose to resign himself.

Bengt Herke goes to the city council and will not become politically savage.

According to Bengt Herke, he reportedly reported irregularities within the party. The message on this personal matter came after a time conflict with the party's summit in Stockholm, writes DN.

– They paid wages they are not entitled to. They decided to meet at a meeting at which they claimed to have attended, but that is not my case. I have not even been called. So I wondered why my name was on the list of participants and the announcement also to people at the national level, "says Bengt Herke to Dagens Nyheter.

DN writes that they took part in the minutes of the meeting. It is dated May 3 of this year and indicates that Bengt Herke is present, as well as four other people. However, unlike the other, Bengt Herke did not sign the protocol, writes DN.

Bengt Herke: It's so difficult

The newspaper also writes that the minutes indicate that it was decided to extend the Stockholm office by five positions during the elections. Appointments apply to meeting participants who have signed the minutes and one of their respective reports, DN.

Bengt Herke told the paper that the party summit in Stockholm was accompanied by false accusations.

"I have a long political path behind me in the moderates.Even there were contradictions, but it was sweet compared to what is going on here. there is none, and as soon as someone does not take control, it will be personal business, "says Bengt Herke in DN.

Expressen is looking for Swedish Democrats in Stockholm and their group leader, Peter Wallmark.

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