Sebastian Andersson was responsible for training the national team


ofJohan Flinck

There are three days remaining for the European Championship qualifier against Malta.

He was then missing two Swedish players: Andreas Granqvist, as expected, and striker Sebastian Andersson.

– He has a knee sensation, said the director of the press, Jakob Kakembo Andersson.

Gustav Svensson has joined the United States. Thus, the big team of 25 players for the qualifying match in the European Championship against Malta (Friday) and Spain (Monday) is complete.

During the Tuesday training on Friends, there was as expected Andreas Granqvist, who does not play against Malta and probably not Spain either, because of his groin / stomach problems he a long time ago. He is in Stockholm for rehab training.

Knee problems

But in addition, Sebastian Andersson, the attacker of the Berlin Union involved yesterday, did not train.

– He has a knee sensation, said the director of the press, Jakob Kakembo Andersson.

– But there should be no danger. He runs individually today and I think he can train tomorrow.

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