Seven employment agencies have been created in Östergötland


In Östergötland, Söderköping, Vadstena, Kinda, Oder, Boxholm and Vadstena do not have a local employment office.

– The lack of staff and local presence affects the service and also shows the importance of municipalities that want and have a need, can assume greater responsibility in the implementation of labor market policy efforts. Nowadays, there is no regulation or funding for this, "said Per-Arne Andersson, head of education and the labor market, SKL.

Common rooms

Over the last three years, the Employment Agency has reduced its local offices across the country. In 70 municipalities, local offices were closed.

"The employment service needs to review the size of its staff across the country and the location of its offices," says Per-Arne Andersson.

One possible solution would be for the employment service and the municipality to share premises in some municipalities. In this way, the employment service could maintain the service, said Per-Arne Andersson on SKL.

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