Seven to the hospital after shooting | Gothenburg after


The alert about the shooting took place on Saturday night at 9:22 pm and a major police initiative was launched at an address in Mölnlycke.

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After the alarm, the police checked the bypass cars in the area and police officers were seen moving around him. An on-site police officer told the general practitioner's reporter that he had also taken a car that, after midnight, was carrying a few hundred meters from where the shooting was to take place.

Tommy Nyman, president of the police in the Western Region, summarizes the situation:

"Just after nine o'clock, there will be a shoot-out conversation in a place where a party has taken place, and once in place, we find that many people are injured," says Nyman.

At six o'clock in the morning, the police confirmed that seven people had been taken to hospital after firing.

"The last thing I heard, is that seven people should be in the hospital after the incident." As far as I know, no danger of death is hurt, "said Tommy Nyman.

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Not clear what happened

Tommy Nyman states that the people being taken to the hospital were shot and wounded. For this reason, the police opened a preliminary investigation into an attempted murder.

During the night, a number of people were arrested and the police were blocked by a large area in an industrial area where the village hall was located. At 1 o'clock at night, police technicians still had not arrived at the site and along a bike path leading to the industrial area, the transaction had been identified with the help of cups.

During the night, police blockades were also extended and an area of ​​several hundred meters was then locked.


The industrial zone was blocked in two directions. Partly from a place where a bike path leads to the party venue and partly from another side where a causeway leads to the industrial area where there was a wild shovel during the night. . Photo: Anders Abrahamsson

What lies behind the shooting is not yet clear.

"We can not say anything yet, but we have a good idea of ​​what it is," said Tommy Nyman.

Are the people involved already known to you?

– I can not say that.

At present, the police want more information, referring to the ongoing intensive investigation. Police will be on site during the day to conduct the technical investigation of the crime scene.

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