Several flights to the Kållered store | Gothenburg after


So far this year, the Swedish Migration Board has made eight police reports on the theft of Kållered's depot. It is computers and cell phones. Something that GT and Swedish radio have already reported.

People who have been exposed to theft are waiting to be deported. The fact that they also dispose of personal belongings creates great frustration according to one of those who have been in contact with SR.

– How can you lock people here for ten months and then go take their belongings that they locked up. I do not understand, there is no respect for Sweden, says the man who got rid of both a computer and a mobile phone, at P4 Gothenburg.

READ MORE: Migration Board Managers Assaulted Colleague

"Absolutely Unacceptable"

The Migration Board tells GP that some notifications include several items, which means that it is missing more than eight elements.

– We take very seriously the fact that detainees have been banned from their valuables. This is totally unacceptable, says Mardin Baban, head of press communication at the Swedish Migration Board.

He tells them that they are now installing a surveillance camera in the safe to prevent further theft.

– We reported this to our police according to our routines and we also review our own routines as well as how things are kept and access to these spaces, keys and surveillance cameras and others. We have taken cables so that the cameras can be installed soon, "he says.

He adds that, also stored in the company of the staff several times, they had access to the cabinet.

READ FOLLOWING: Migration Commission police employees report themselves

The Stock Exchange Among Employees

GP has already reported on other incidents at the filing of Kållered. Among other things, the depot employees have been merged with each other twice in the past year.

At the beginning of the year, a prosecutor blocked the arms of a colleague behind his back and pushed him into a post and threatened him.

In November, two employees also interrupted their mission. The event is produced in a hotel under the influence of alcohol.

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