Several people saved from the boat sinking in Ribersborg


A motorboat outside the Ribersborg coast began to take water and several people ended up in the water when the boat started sinking.

When the alarm of the incident occurred Sunday afternoon, rescuers and coastguards resigned to the rescue.

– The motor boat started for some unknown reason to take water. "The people ended up in the water and the coastguards were quickly put in place and people could be kidnapped," said Henrik Greiff, South Rescue Service, who was the deputy chief on the spot

. Schibli

Saved from Water

Data on the number of people in the water separated. Gustaf Sandell, in-house commander of the Southern Rescue Service, says that it's about five people. According to the chef, it is about another person.

Ambulance personnel examined people as they emerged from the water

– All are well maintained and do not need to be transported to the airport. ;hospital. The motorboat was towed to land, "says Henrik Greiff. [ad_2]
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