Several players in Cyprus reportedly had heart failure after spraying


Three players from the Cyprus league are suspected of having heart failure due to a vitamin spraying.
The club John Alvbåges does not collaborate with the company in question but asks his teammates to be injected.
"The boys are in control and get something," the goalkeeper told Aftonbladet.

Aftonbladet reports Thursday night that Cypriot football is shaken by an alleged scandal of unknown preparations routinely injected with many of the club's best players – preparations suspected of having heart failure.

Biomedical Health Sport Diagnostics supports the injection, writes the newspaper. It was recently discovered that three players had heart problems so serious that they had to finish their career.

– Fifpro requires urgent investigation into medical treatment provided to players from at least four precursor clubs in Cyprus. Fifpro understands that unidentified substances have been allocated to players in these clubs, some of which are intravenous, to help their physical recovery, "says Alex Duff's press officer.

John Alvbåge is goalkeeper in Nea Salamis, Cyprus. His club is not one of four who cooperate with the company in question, but the newspaper tells the goalkeeper that many of his teammates also receive a type of injection.

– yes it's as if the clubs were worried. They offer such options to make sure the players have the right values ​​in the body, "Alvbåge told Aftonbladet.

"The guys are about to win something.

Alvbåge itself canceled the offer and never received anything injected.

– It's the club itself that provides this. Someone comes, then the guys bend over and take something. A threat of vitamin. It may be fine, but I am against that kind of thing.

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