Several weather warnings in Sweden: heavy snowfall and ice grotto


Low pressure from the Norwegian Sea currently covers Sweden. The low pressure brings soft air, but also precipitation on Thursday morning. Since the temperature has been low in recent days, SMHI is now issuing a Class 1 warning in several parts of the country.

"The cold weather we have had in recent days has meant that the temperatures on the ground are quite low, they are on the negative side.When we have snow and rain, it can freeze and that is what we have warned in Class 1, both for the heavy ice and heavy snow, "said Henrik Reimer.

Warnings apply mainly large parts of the counties of Götaland and Värmland.

– For Värmland County, we issued a Class 1 warning about snowfall. It can also happen suddenly ice, "says Henrik Reimer.

Precipitation, which is expected to pass overnight to Thursday, consists mainly of snow.

"We can expect about five to ten centimeters of snow, but it will be followed by rain," Henrik Reimer said, adding:

"In southern Sweden, we will have rains in the night until Thursday.

But this is not a sudden icy rain and heavy rainfall are waiting. Sweden is also learning about the remains of Storm Diana, which hit the British Isles hard.

"It will blow a lot, unlike the strong winds in many parts of Götaland.We have not reported any warning here, but there will be strong winds mainly on the west coast, but in the mountains of southern Jämtland, the wind will really blow, "said Henrik Reimer.

How long will it be like this?

– The big shock arrives tomorrow (Thursday), but it will be easier later in the day. We can expect the weather to be the same for the rest of the week.

Read more: Sweden changes so if the earth warms by 1.5 degrees

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