Sexually undead teenage girl in The Heden | Gothenburg after


It was Wednesday at 6 pm that a teenager alerted the police after she was sexually deprived of a 20-year-old man in Heden in Gothenburg.

But Ulla Brehm, the presidential person of the police in the Western Region, does not know exactly what happened.

– This is a sexual murder, she went away and contacted the police, said Ulla Brehm.

After a moment of tension, the police seized a suspicious man who pursued a signal from the girl.

– He was not arrested too long, but I do not know where he was arrested, says Ulla Brehm.

Preliminary examination started

The girl should not have been injured. A concern about sexual harassment has begun.

The Gothia Cup takes place during the week at, among other things, Heden, but it is unclear whether the girl or the man participated in the football cup.

– The man should not be a football player, says Ulla Brehm.

Even in previous years, there have been sexual casualties as part of the Gothia Cup. This year, therefore, the event has increased staff and trained staff to deal with sexual offenses to increase security.

READ MORE: Extended security work during the Gothia Cup

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