Shooting at Rinkeby – two gunshot wounded


Two men were taken to Rinkeby in northern Stockholm on Tuesday night.

– There were two young boys.

An alleged offender was arrested shortly after in the immediate vicinity.

At 11:13 pm, police were alerted to a shootout at Mjölbyplan in Rinkeby.

– Two men in the 1920s are damaged shoots. They are met in the arm and the leg, respectively. Injuries are not life threatening, "said Fredrik Nylen, officer in charge of the Stockholm Police Department

1 of 4 | Photo: Anna Tärnhuvud

After midnight arrested a suspected suspect

] – During the operation, information was released that allowed a person to be arrested in the immediate vicinity, said Fredrik Nylén.

Police were also on a staircase and searched a bush cake next to this door

An eyewitness reports to Aftonbladet that the shooters were taken with an ambulance.

– One was sitting and the other was sitting

– I was nearby and I was screaming.People gathered around the shooting, some cried.

Did you see anyone being arrested?

– I saw someone running away with the police eventually.

police opened an investigation into an attempted murder.

A police council: How to do if you intend to shoot 00:37

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