Shooting on Nydala Square in Malmö


A 20-year-old man was shot dead near the Nydalatorg in Malmö

Police are investigating whether the shooting may coincide with previous shootings in Malmö.

– We look, among other things, with everything else, "explains Magnus Lefèvre, officer in charge of the Southern Police Department

. At 00:36, police learn that an individual was shot dead

. to hospitals. The man was taken to hospital with a serious injury, but the Skåne press service area later reported that the man's injuries were mild

– The injured was in her twenties, says Maya Forstenius, presidential officer in the Southern Police Region. No hold

The man will be questioned. He was shot down in a small area of ​​Nydalatorget but managed to get injured in the place.

– In connection with the shooting, this man manages to move a little away, to avoid shooting, I suppose, Maya Forstenius. 19659004] No one is arrested for the shooting.

– There is no suspicion, says Maya Forstenius.

Police were blocked by an area in Nydalatorget. Technicians and tracking dogs have been set up to conduct an investigation. At 4:45, the blockages were lifted

The event was examined as an attempted murder. The police can not confirm if the shooting can be linked to previous launches in Malmö.

– We look, among other things, with everything else, says Magnus Lefèvre

Is this your famous name before?

– I have no comment, says Magnus Lefevre.

Photo: Patrick Persson / WWW.PPPRESS.SE

Good Advice

During the day, the police will hold a hearing and analyze the results of technical investigations.

The police ask all witnesses to belong to the police.

– Of course, we are interested in all the advice and observations of this event, says Maya Forstenius.

The Police Council: Here's what to do if you hear shots 00:37

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