Should we be forced to shoot our animals and burn the flesh?


DEBATT | Drought. It is time for our government to seriously consider the question of whether they want a Swedish farm or just rely on food imports. The distance between the city and the countryside has increased dramatically and many people no longer understand the value and importance of our own self-sufficiency.

Extreme Drought

This year will be dedicated to the history of our peasants. Extreme drought makes it impossible to produce roughage or straw for our farm animals. Last year, there were too many crop failures, there were no more reserves.

What is happening now is a pure nightmare for all pet owners. And we can not help each other because there is no food somewhere.

Having a government and a minister of agriculture who do not seem to understand or care about the consequences of not acting before the disaster is a scary and disturbing fact for us all, manufacturers but also consumers.

READ MORE: The Peasants' Appeal in Drought: Buying Swedish Meat

Forced to be closed

If the crisis is completely affected, many farms will be forced to go bankrupt. And we will have an even worse starting point the next time we suffer from such a drought.

Since food is not enough to feed our animals, we are now sending them to the slaughterhouse. Last week, I sent ten choirs and another girl is booked. But slaughterhouses do not get more animals than they can sell, and as they do not freeze the meat, the slaughterers are between seven and eight months old.

The freight truck falls

Do not go to the government and help the slaughterhouses to cut down its full capacity, not just the meat sold directly to the trade, will force us to push our animals to the farm and then to pay a lot of money for the freight truck to pick up the bodies for burning.

From now on, we ask Swedish farmers to shoot our animals and burn their bodies.

What does the new food strategy say, which means that we will be more self-sufficient in meat?

Problem Situation

Consumers buy a fair amount of Swedish meat, but restaurants and kitchens do not. Hence the difficult situation that has arisen.

Why do our leaders not act and do not go into disaster mode and do they not temporarily close the borders for importation? On the whole, we have a shortage of meat in Sweden and the situation will soon be restored.

Or simply simply does not want to come across Brussels?

Is there no more chance of freezing meat,

A mental disaster

Being a farmer in need of emergency animals is a disaster at the both mentally and economically. The animals will disappear in the crew in the future, and therefore in the store.

It is neither mentioned nor ever written about how our peasants and our families are.

It is never mentioned or written ever how our peasants and our families are. Ordinary workers enter the wall of prolonged stress and get sick for a long time. But this opportunity does not actually farmer unless the company is large enough to carry employees with extensive knowledge and experience of this farm, which is unusual today. .

Please, consumers buy swedish and question the origin of the meat. does not seem like our government is making a stop at the import.

By Kerstin Herbertsson

Farmers and Dairies

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