Ski world cup: anger for Norway after


The Norwegian Ski Federation and the Coop food chain have a complicated history.

Previously, Petter Northug's cooperation with the company was the subject of an infectious debate, which ultimately led Northug to choose to move away from the national team.

Last spring, it seemed that Coop and the union were going to reach an agreement – but the negotiations followed one another at the last moment.

Last spring, VG announced that Coop could conclude its cooperation if a national team rider was fighting for doping, but the ski federation had a different attitude.

"They said it was unreasonable for Coop to end the agreement on such a simple premise that a practitioner tested positive for Test B and that the Ski Federation could lose its income." "said his spokesman, Björn Takle Friis.

The food giant is still a sponsor of the Cross Country Skiing World Cup, and the newspaper wears the vests worn by practitioners during the competition and the training on the tracks around the city. competition area.

READ MORE: 2018/19 Ski World Cup – all you need to know.

The Norwegian national team receives criticism: "Manipulation"

But when Norwegian runners coached the World Cup in Lillehammer on Thursday, no Coop logo could be identified on their vest, which serves as accreditation on the competition tracks.

They were hidden with tape.

FIS Director of Marketing Jürg Capol reacts strongly to the efforts of the Norwegian national team.

"If you handle accreditations, it's like if you change your passport – I mean it's a manipulation – if everyone does it, it'll be more out of control and security is important," he said. he to NRK.

The Swedish national team acted the same way.

– This is a brand because we do not think it is acceptable to sell an exhibition on non-eligible areas. We follow the rules regarding their competitions and they should also consider this and not accept a right, "Swedish Ski Federation marketing director Johan Sares told Aftonbladet.

Coop spokesperson Björn Takle Friis hopes the Norwegian League will be punished.

– They say it has consequences and we expect it to be. The FIS says they've never been involved in something like this, he says.

READ MORE: 2019 Ski World Cup – everything you need to know.

Norway can be punished for Lillehammer

The organizer of the Norwegian Ski Federation, Terje Lund, said that they had had discussions with the FIS about the West. According to him, the regulations do not specify who has the right to dictate the terms of use of the West.

– Today, the rules do not define the rights of this west. We said that it should be neutral until we find a solution.

Björn Takle Friis co-ops believe that the union's actions are the cause of the conflict that ended the sponsorship deal for the season – but Terje Lund believes that they acted regardless of the sponsor's concerns .

"If we want our organizers to organize the World Cup in a sustainable way, we must also have exposure opportunities.Where it is not anchored in regulation as a right to the FIS, we can not just give it more, "says Lund to VG.

According to Jürg Capol, the jury will examine the case and argue that the situation could result in a penalty in the form of a fine for the Norwegian Ski Federation.

"Something like that, we've never been there before, but I've never heard of fines," Swedish national director Rikard Grip told SportExpressen.[0]= 68.ARCQlOBI7lV_I5h4azrQXwHxQeniUYHFu2z_VpB_elN_NkrK9-WkXML4mSMBFzxatJWyGPNs3SmKeFw8QEQ7d8qpoqg1LcksM5jFF3BV65qpyiqIz2Uc6egE56OCFoVHgh7HUfGbOFadejRX1FDaMIYVptBZ7sMXNsVSfx8kvy2ogVQVlwtWnQ & tn = __ __ – R

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